Our AGM went smoothly and we welcome the new look committee. Well, not entirely new look, with there being no change of President, Secretary, Treasurer or Captain. But we added a few new faces with Graham Bender as Vice-President, and Committee members Tricia Shanks, Ian McKenzie and Wendy Starr making up the balance.
A number of sub-positions were also filled: Assistant secretary Ray Doyle, Assistant Treasurer Bryan Smith, Assistant Captain Tricia Shanks, Housekeeping Lillian Wallace, Publicity Bruce Seddon, and Grounds and Maintenance Graham Bender, Peter Clarke, Ian McKenzie, and Bruce Seddon.
The first Newsletter for 2024 #31 has also just been published. A copy can be downloaded here.
We wish everyone a great 2024. Hope to see some of you at our Easter Saturday Quick Doubles Competition.